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2 viperlab workshop

2nd VIPERLAB Workshop on Precise measurements of perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar cells

Join the 2nd Viperlab Workshop on Precise Measurement of Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells for free.

May 24th 2023, 09:00-12:00 (CEST) - ENEA - CR Portici P.Le Enrico Feri 1, Portici, Italy. Hybrid event

Don't miss this opportunity!
Register as soon as possible to guarantee your participation in the event!!!! 
(45 seats on site and 200 accesses on line)

In conjunction with our 2nd Annual Assembly, the VIPERLAB project proposes this hybrid event with the involvement of HZB, AIT, Fraunhofer ISE, EPFL, UniTOV, ENEA 

A great opportunity to learn more about the needs and advantages of a standardized and homogeneous approach to the characterization and processing of perovskite single/tandem Solar cells, an overview of measurement principles and differences from standard silicon solar cell calibration, good practices for measuring tandem devices at the laboratory level , a presentation of Viperlab activities in characterization and standardization, and the event will end with the external monitoring of single and tandem devices and fabrication of mechanically stacked 2T peroskite tandem devices


Martin Schubert, FH-ISE- Stephan Abermann, AIT - Christian Wolff, EPFL - Aldo Di Carlo, CHOSE/CNR - Natalia Maticiuc, HZB - Mark Kenking, HZB

More info & to register 

Dead line May 23rd, 2023 - 22:00 CEST

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101006715
