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perovskite photovoltaics lab

VIPERLAB opens 12th call for proposal

VIPERLAB opens 12th call for proposal

12th call for proposals is open
Deadline: 31th August, 2024 23:59:59 (CET)


After its first seven successful calls, VIPERLAB project launches its 11th call to submit projects to free access in top-ranked European Research Perovskite Infrastructures

Open 1th July, submission deadline - 31th August, 2024 23:59:59 (CET)

Note about last calls:  -11th call was closed on 31th May 2024. Submitted project for the 11th call are under review. 


What to do?

If you're interested in perovskite-silicon research and wish to realize your project at one of the state-of-the-art EU infrastructures that cover the whole innovation/value chain from material preparation to characterization of perovskite devices and modules, access the links below and submit your proposal

Growing scientific perovskite communities as well as industry and SMEs are invited to apply for free access to one of the top level infrastructures in the field of perovskite and silicon PV designed for:

  • material synthesis,
  • state-of-the-art device design and development,
  • standardized testing methods,
  • simulation methods and modelling

The access is funded within the EU’s Horizon 2020 framework and includes the logistical, technological, and scientific support and the specific training.

For many of the physical infrastructures remote access is also possible.

Interested in finding more information about offered infrastructures?

About eligibility criteria and how to submit a proposal by GATE Portal?

For more details, please contact

Dr. Natalia Maticiuc, HZB
Technical coordinator of VIPERLAB

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101006715
