Fully connected virtual and physical
perovskite photovoltaics lab

EMIL (Energy Materials In Situ Lab)

HZB - EMIL – Energy Materials In-situ Laboratory Berlin

  • X-ray photoemission with excitation from 80 eV 10 keV photons
  • X-ray absorption in the soft and “tender” x-ray range
  • In-system sample treatments (e.g., heating, thin-film evaporation
HySprint core-lab - ©HZB/P. Dera

HZB - HySPRINT – Stability Lab

  • Ageing Tests under MPP-tracking
  • single-junction, modules and tandem
HySPRINT – Perovskite Database

HZB - HySPRINT – Perovskite Database

  • A mySQL-based database promoting OpenScience practices in the perovskite PV research community
  • Enabling literature research and dissemination/sharing of scientific data according to FAIR data principles
Logo European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101006715
